client privacy policy

Welcome to the Therapy Fairground.

To play on the rides and use the activities we may need to collect information, and you may want to share information with us. It is important that you read these notices, and ask the trusted adult you are visiting the Fairground with (your Fairground Host) to explain anything you feel unclear about so that you can stay safe online at the Fairground.

Your Fairground Host will be responsible for ensuring your safety whilst you visit the Fairground and you must follow their instructions at all times.

We have a legitimate interest to make the Fairground safe and suitable for all visitors, and these rules tell you what information we need to help us do that.

We will collect information about the rides you visit, and how long you spend on each ride or activity – this helps us to improve the Fairground for you and other visitors.  We may also collect information about the type of device you are using, or from where you are visiting the Fairground. We try to collect and use information about users of the Fairground in an anonymous format to protect individuals. We also use software cookies to monitor activity which may collect some information, if you have any questions please contact your Fairground Host.

We will keep information that you provide in the Fairground whilst your Fairground Host has an account. Anonymous information (that does not include your own name) may be kept for longer, such as anything you have consented for Therapy Fairground to anonymously share via social media.

We try to limit the amount of your personal information that we ask your Fairground Host to provide. Personal information is information that identifies you, such as your name. If you share any personal information, Therapy Fairground will keep a copy but we will not share it with anyone else. Where we do hold your personal information, you have certain rights, and there are things you can ask us to do with your information. You can ask us to:

  • Give you your information – but we may have to keep some copies
  • Fix your information if it is wrong – we will do the best we can to help
  • Stop using your information – but we may have to keep using some
  • Delete your information – if you no longer want us to use it
  • Give your information to another person – we will try our best to do so
  • Change your answer to ‘no’ so we can no longer use your information – if you do, you may no longer be able to enter the Fairground
  • Pause our use of your information – this means we would stop using your information for a set time

If you have any worries or concerns, you can ask your Fairground Host, your parent, or responsible adult.

You can complain about our use of your information, or how we deal with your request, by talking to the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Information Commissioner is in charge of information in the UK. You should ask an adult to do this for you. They can call 03031231113 or visit the website:

What if you do not live in the UK?

If you do not live in the UK, we still collect and use your information the same way. You can also still complain about our use of your information. If you want to do so, you should speak to an adult who can help you talk to the person in charge of information in the country where you live. 

Updates to our policy

We keep this policy under review. This version was last updated on 1 March 2023

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